Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Mr Speaker is planning to step down...









When I saw a news that  Mr John Bercow, The Speaker of the House of Commons, most commonly addressed as Mr Speaker will be stepping down this morning, I had a quite complex feeling.

It is like a mixture of disappointment and sympathy. Maybe stronger sympathy than disappointment.

Oh, finally he had had enough...

The recent progress in relation to Brexit in the house of Commons are rather ugly, and how many times he had to tell MPs of because of them not behaving in an appropriate manner in the parliament.

It was like a school teacher telling off pupils.

In my opinion, the parliament have been behaving like two-year-old kids when it comes to the discussion in relation to Brexit.

You know, how two-year-old kids are, thus notoriously referred "terrible-two"!

They just say "No No No!" to everything.

I cannot believe that opposition parties refuse a call for a General Election in a parliamentary democracy!

But the discussion can never be constructive if one party just deny whatever told without offering an alternative plan.

That's what happening to current UK parliament.

It is like a threadless screw...  It's not going anywhere...

So, I am disappointed by them (UK parliament), too, specially Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour party.

That's why I feel sympathy for Mr Speaker.

However, it is definitely disappointing that he will be leaving.

Thanks to him, the live broadcasts of parliamentary proceedings have been very interesting.

Without him, parliament broadcasts will never be the same..I will miss hims a lot.

Just hoping the next Mr Speaker possesses as good and strong personality as he does!

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